Thursday, March 14, 2013

Organizing Clips and Writing Samples

I noticed a link to this post on Facebook yesterday for The Renegade Writer blog and made myself go back read it after I had finished a proofing assignment. Guest blogger Bree Brouwer outlines three different ways writers can organize samples on their writing websites or blogs -- organization by writing type, organization by topic-category and organization by service.

My own online portfolio is in dire need of some reorganization. Currently, I have a section where I describe my publishing history, which is similar to a resume but focuses only on editorial positions, long-term freelancing gigs and awards. Below that I have a few links to published articles. I try to keep this small list updated, but that doesn't always happen. Right now I have only highlighted articles that have links, but I'm in the process of trying to get some PDFs of articles embedded right on the page. I know it will look better visually, but website maintenance is unfortunately one of those things that falls by the wayside as I try to get my paying assignments finished first. I really like the idea of rearranging the clips by writing type, because I have a variety of service articles, essays, interviews, blog posts and short fiction, so that will probably be the direction I head in next.
Here are a few online writer's portfolios I really like:

C. Hope Clark

Gina Roberts-Grey

Lisa Collier Cool 

Donald S. Vaughan

Linda Formichelli 

How do you have your clips organized, and do you have them on your website, blog, or both?

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