Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Take That, Rain

After working out all weekend to stay caught up on this blog challenge, I took Day 14 off, minus the 10-15 walk I took the Superdog (our nickname for Sonic) on . Yesterday, Day 15 was a rainy, dreary day, but I did not let it get me down. I got into my car last night after dinner, drove to the gym and lifted weights for an hour. I felt so much better after I left! I met a friend who is determined to drop a few pounds at the gym this morning, Day 16. We challenged ourselves to burn at least 450 calories during our workout and succeeded! I even spotted a flyer announcing an event on my way out the door and thought it might make a great article idea. Back at home, I quickly composed an e-mail to the editor at the local newspaper with the idea and fired it off. Within an hour, I had the assignment. Sometimes it pays to be high on endorphins!

1 comment:

Mary Aalgaard said...

Wow! A workout and a writing assignment. You're on a roll!