Thursday, April 18, 2013

Review: The Shy Writer: Reborn

I picked up the book The Shy Writer: Reborn because, for the most part, I consider myself an introverted writer, especially when it comes to writing fiction. I've had to take a long, hard look at my career in the past six months and I came to a realization--I could be doing so much more!

I've admired author C. Hope Clark for quite awhile. I subscribe to her weekly newsletter, FundsforWriters, and have even sold a few articles to Hope for use in the newsletter. I was curious to find out more about the self-proclaimed "introverted" writer and how she found success, all while handling the minute details of a writing career, such as pitching and querying agents, presenting at conferences and handling publicity for her mystery book series.

Here's a synopsis of the book:

As an introvert and a writer, you feel stretched to choose between the lesser of two evils – marketing to people who’ll most likely criticize you, or putting your writing on the back burner. Introverts have strengths that make them marketable, creative, and successful. Forget those people who tell you to change, to put on a different personality, to dance like a monkey before crowds. Here is the support to be a writer and remain who you care to be . . . genuine.

I've personally worked as a successful freelancer for more than 10 years, but fear has kept me from cracking many of the national markets, querying a host of agents and publishing houses with my projects and attending large-scale writing conferences. The Shy Writer: Reborn has helpful advice for  writers in all genres, whether you are a seasoned writer struggling with making personal appearances or a writer trying to pitch your first article to a magazine or newspaper. I found the chapters on "Passion and Platform," "Priorities, Preparation and Promotion," and "Blogging" especially helpful. I even finally had an epiphany about what I should use as my platform!

I've been slowly getting braver with my work (there are days when even hitting the "publish" button on this blog terrifies me!) but I know there are steps I need to take if I want to become a published author. This book helped push me to revamp my blog and website, register for my first writer's conference and make the decision to sign up for an online class/critique group so I can get feedback on my YA novel. I would highly recommend this book for any writer (not just the introverted) trying to determine what the next step in her career should be.

Thanks, Hope!

1 comment:

Hope Clark said...

Bless you, Renee. What a wonderful review of The Shy Writer Reborn. Much appreciated, but more so, I'm so happy you were able to grow from it.